Post by Philip HomburgPost by David NebenzahlWhy should I embrace a system that's cold and based on some abstract
notions, such as an aspect ratio based on the square root of two, where
the primary size (A0) from which the others are derived is defined,
arbitrarily, as having an area of one square meter? It's all neat and
consistent--and totally arbitrary, having nothing to do with real-world
historical proportions and dimensions.
Because in metric world the use of units is much more practical. I guess
that people in the US want to slow down daily life, because of some false
sense of tradition.
"More practical"? Not necessarily; that's a glib assumption, based on
the supposed ease of doing arithmetic in decimal units, that's not
always borne out in reality.
I can tell you that in at least two fields which rely heavily on
measurements, here in the U.S., both the printing and building
industries happily and reliably use non-metric measurements, and are
likely to do so for the forseeable future.
In the case of printing, I have *never*--not once--been in a situation
where it would be advantageous--or even possible--to divide a
measurement by 10. Not even if one is printing something 10-up on a
sheet does this ever arise. So much for the vaunted advantage of metric
Every single shop I've worked in over here, including one I owned, used
inches and fractions of inches exclusively. The one concession that
printers must make to the great Metric gods is that foreign presses
(namely Heidelberg) require you to make settings in mm and cm; what most
printers do at this point is simply convert the sheet size in inches to
mm and input it.
Even carpenters and cabinetmakers, who one would imagine would have more
opportunities to divide a length into equal parts which might
conceivably be easier with metric measures, happily, easily and
accurately use feet, inches and fractions of inches. Also not likely to
change in the forseeable future.
Post by Philip HomburgYou don't have to know whether a measurement is supposed to be expressed in
centimeters or in meters, because most people can easily divide or multiply
by hundred. I wonder how many people in US can converted between inches,
feet, yards and miles without resorting to tables of calculators?
For the most part, we can't "converted" (sic) without use of a
calculator. But again, the much-hyped ability to multiply or divide by
tens just by moving a decimal point is, in most cases, not useful.
Post by Philip HomburgThe same thing with the ISO paper series. You always know the name of the
size one bigger or smaller than the one you are currently using.
If you layout for A3, you can just proof on A4. Or print two A4s on an
A3 and put a staple in the middle.
Well, we primitives over here have the same thing. For instance, two
letter-size sheets (8-1/2 x 11") fit exactly on one tabloid sheet (11 x
17"). And remembering a small number of paper sizes doesn't tax one's
brain too much.
Post by Philip HomburgFortunately, the US did decide to go metric for the electricity
(Volt, Ampere, Watt).
Well, that's because there's no alternative system for those quantities.
Besides, I don't see what's particularly "metric" about any of those
measures, apart from the use of decimal multiples and divisions
(millivolt, kilowatt, etc.).
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